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Bring peace, hope and purpose to people and places in need of these blessings. Help build a city for God.







At A City for God, we’re building communities where God dwells in time and for eternity. Because of our programs and our presence, we envision communities overflowing with peace, hope and purpose.

By Sharing God's Word

... in schools
and neighborhoods in areas of Milwaukee and Racine that are challenged by poverty and violence

By Showing God's Love

through our community meals and food pantries

By Raising Up Leaders for God's Kingdom

... who have
a heart for the hurting and who often come from and look like the communities we serve


Chaplains in Schools believes and teaches in agreement with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Your gifts impact
over 5,500 students, staff and their families
for time and for eternity!

Bless a life
for time
& eternity

When you give your gift to A City for God you are helping people experience God’s goodness and grace now and enjoy his glory forever.

Register for the Annual ACFG Gala

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